What is the difference between Polarized and UV-protection sunglasses?

What is the difference between Polarized and UV-protection sunglasses?

Have you ever been caught blinking against the glare of the sun despite wearing sunglasses? It’s time to delve into the intriguing world of eyewear, focusing on polarized and UV-protection sunglasses. These two types serve as the vanguards of ocular defence, each with its unique benefits.

Polarized lenses cut down glare from reflective surfaces, enhancing visual clarity and comfort. On the other hand, UV-protection lenses shield the eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays, preventing long-term damage. Understanding their differences is crucial for ensuring both the health and comfort of your eyes in the sunny outdoors.

Why Choose Polarized Sunglasses?

Polarized sunglasses are like magic lenses that banish glare. Ever noticed how surfaces like water or a shiny car hood throw back a blinding light? Polarized glasses tackle this issue head-on. They have a special coating that works wonders by filtering out light coming in at certain angles.

This means you get to enjoy outdoor activities without squinting. Ideal for drivers, fishers, and beachgoers, these glasses make sure you see things clearer and sharper, without any distracting reflections.

Can UV-Protection Sunglasses Shield Your Eyes from the Sun's Harm?

UV protection sunglasses are your best friend against the invisible threat of UV rays. Unlike polarized sunglasses that focus on reducing glare, UV-protection glasses safeguard your eyes from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet rays.

These rays can be quite naughty, leading to problems like cataracts and eye cancer over time. By choosing sunglasses that block out 99% to 100% of both UVA and UVB rays, you're giving your eyes the armour they need to fight against the sun's damaging effects.

Difference between Polarized and UV-protection sunglasses


Polarized Sunglasses

UV-Protection Sunglasses

Main Benefit

Reduces glare from reflective surfaces

Shields eyes from harmful ultraviolet rays

Ideal For

Driving, fishing, outdoor sports

General outdoor use, including driving and sports

Protection Offered

Glare reduction, enhanced contrast and visual clarity

Protection against UVA and UVB rays, preventing eye damage

Visual Comfort

Increases comfort in bright conditions by reducing eye strain

Protects against UV exposure that can cause discomfort

Health Benefits

Can reduce eye fatigue and headaches from glare

Prevents cataracts, skin cancer around the eyelids, and other eye diseases

Can Include UV Protection?

Often, but not always

Always, by definition

Factors to Consider When Choosing Between Polarized and UV-Protective Sunglasses

Your Activity Level and Environment

When choosing sunglasses, consider your daily surroundings. High-glare environments like water bodies or snowy terrains call for polarized lenses for clearer vision. If you're frequently outdoors, the environment you're in can greatly influence your choice between polarized and UV-protective sunglasses.

Eye Health Priorities

UV protection is crucial for everyone. Long-term exposure to UV rays can lead to eye health issues like cataracts. Thus, if eye health is your primary concern, sunglasses that offer 100% UV protection should be your go-to choice, regardless of whether they're polarized.

Compatibility with Devices

Polarized sunglasses might affect how you see screens on smartphones or navigation devices. If your daily life involves using such gadgets outdoors, you might want to test if polarized lenses hinder your visibility, choosing accordingly to ensure convenience.

Personal Style and Comfort

The choice between polarized and UV-protective sunglasses also depends on your style and what feels comfortable on your face. Consider the design, weight, and how they fit your face shape. Comfort and style should not be overlooked in favour of functionality alone.

Cost Considerations

Polarized sunglasses often come with a higher price tag due to the technology involved. Consider if the benefits of reduced glare and enhanced clarity are worth the extra cost to you, or if UV protection is your sole requirement.

How Do I Know If My Sunglasses Offer UV Protection?

To ensure your sunglasses provide adequate UV protection, look for a label or a sticker indicating they block 100% of UV rays. Some might say “UV400”, which is just another way of saying they block light rays up to 400 nanometers - covering both UVA and UVB rays. Don't be shy to ask the retailer for this information if it's not readily visible. Remember, it's your eyes' health on the line. Along with taking care, you can choose from our Eyewear collection At Speksee.

Speksee is a modern and fashionable optical brand specializing in cool and low-priced glasses. Our company is the group effort of opticians, designers, and conceptualisers who combine their beloved profession with the latest tendencies, not giving every single detail of fashion new season. We own a warehouse of 30,000sq ft and a competent team of professional opticians and trained specialists. Therefore, we certify that every product we offer is not only satisfying the strictest standards but also exceeding these requirements.

Can Polarized Sunglasses Also Offer UV Protection?

Alternatively, even if the polarized glasses may prohibit UV rays from passing, the same condition can happen if they are not made for that purpose. The reflection modal works to reduce the glare from daylight rays, while the UV shield is designed to block unseen UV rays.

During the sunglasses shopping, you will likely discover that a few of the styles have a UV shield as a mean shield that simultaneously blocks polarized light. The sun exposes our skin to harmful ultraviolet rays that can cause damage, but these two ingredients complement each other to give the best protection for those who are exposed to the sun too often.

Final Thoughts!

While choosing between polarized and UV-protective sunglasses, think about your daily activity, about the eye health issues that are very important to you, and about your style. Polarized lenses perform well in reflection of the glare for clear vision under bright light, and at the same time, UV-protection sunglasses shield eyes from sun rays that can cause vision loss.

Both of the options have their certain importance and the many sunglasses models available today do offer both features for complete protection. In a nutshell, purchasing the right sunglasses will provide both your eye comfort and protection that are aimed to act against all the long-term damages that may possibly result due to exposure of eyes to bright light.